Finn is an Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier - just like our other dog Murphy.
Here is a pic of both dogs together
Even though Finn has a lighter face than most Wheaten puppies his coat will still lighten up a lot.
It's hard to believe that Finn will one day look "wheaten" like Murphy.
Here's Murphy as a puppy - he was much darker in the face and body than Finn.

Finn comes to us from Karen Christian (ChristianDoodles.com) in Alberta.
Karen was so good at keeping in touch (text) and sending us photos of the puppies as they were growing.
Since Finn was coming to us from so far we trusted her to pick out the right puppy for us.
He's only been with us for over a week now but he's a perfect fit for our family and we love him!!!
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